I have to say that this week was not my favorite. I really do not want to have a whiney blog....but sometimes it just is what it is! :) The combo of not feeling well myself, Camryn not feeling well, sleepless nights, lots of crying, crazy school kids (who I love dearly), and Travis being gone for 2 days....just didn't mesh well this week. Our week ended with a late afternoon doctor's appointment, an hour in the doctor's office with a crying sweaty baby and a crying sweaty mommy, a diagnosis of "severe double ear infection", waiting another hour at the pharmacy with more tears from mommy and baby, and then FINALLY some much needed sleep and smiles. :) I'm so thankful I took her in on Friday. I hate the mommy game of trying to decide if you need to take your kids in or not. I had already taken her on Sunday, but after talking to my mom on the phone Friday afternoon and hearing my baby screaming, I knew we had to go back in. She wasn't eating or sleeping and that's just not normal!
She's already a new baby and it's not even 48 hours later. Praise the Lord for antibiotics!!
smiley baby after only 12 hours of antibiotics
time to lower the crib!!
snuggle bunnies
Ok, there WERE some good things about this week!!! I went to my first ZUMBA class and had SO MUCH FUN!!!! I celebrated a sweet friend's 30th birthday with a girls night at Cheeve's. We got Colby signed up for pre-T-ball (Travis and Allen will be coaching Colby and Reese's team...Travis is so excited you would think he had won the lottery or something!), Travis finished his FINAL residency interview (WHOOOOO HOOOOO) in Memphis and we went to a super fun birthday party for Colby's friend, Carter at Powerhouse after he got home. We had a family date night with the Stahls (and Cami sat in her first restaurant high chair). And Colby was a "good boy" at school to finish out the week!! (ok, that's a whole other story....we're having behavior issues at school, but we are spanking for bad behavior and rewarding good behavior, so I'm hoping this is just a short-lived phase)
SEE??? Even some of our worst weeks are still full of fun times!! We are blessed. :)