Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sick Baby :(

We have a sick, sick baby at home today. :(
Cami came down with a fever yesterday morning and it's only gotten worse since then. I decided to take her to see a doctor even though I knew it was probably just a virus. I think that Colby's ear infection nightmares have scarred this momma just a little bit. 
Ears and lungs were clear, our big girl weighs 18 pounds 15 ounces, she looks absolutely miserable, but for now there's not too much we can do other than keep a close eye on her. 
I think this is one of the hardest parts of being a mommy...just feeling helpless. 
The sweet doctor said that on average the fever will last 2-3 days, so hopefully after today or tomorrow our little princess will start feeling better. 
Of course, as soon as we got home I gave Cami some pink Tylenol and pink Benadryl and shortly after she threw up pink ALL OVER her crib. :(

8 month old princess

EIGHT?!?? That's getting really close to 12. Our baby girl is growing up too fast!!!!!
With 8 months came her 8th tooth and big girl appetite. This month we started some real solids (as opposed to baby foods) like strawberries, bananas, avocado and goldfish crackers. She likes it all!
 About a week after her 8th month birthday she started crawling and shortly after that she started pulling up in her crib. I can't believe how big she is!!! We are blessed beyond measure, that is for sure. 
Had to post the side by side picture below. Left is Cami and Right is mommy!!
checking out her oldest brother, Buddy
sweet friends and future partners in crime!!
TCBY date with brother!!!
hands down, her favorite thing to do is take a bath....I'm hoping that means she'll love the pool this summer, too. :)


On New Years Eve, Rusty and Jeffrey treated their beautiful wives to birthday manicures and pedicures, and somehow I got in on the spa fun, too!! I always love my time with these girls, and everywhere we go we usually have someone ask us if we are all sisters. :) I take it as a HUGE compliment, even if they always think that I am the oldest....this time was no different. We all asked for a glass of wine, and they carded HOPE! That's it....just Hope! 
Maybe when I turn 30 I will look younger too...
to say that she was excited to be carded would be an understatement...


It is a rare occasion that Travis and I have this little monster all by himself. Last weekend, Mimsy offered to keep the princess for an evening, and I'm so glad we took her up on her offer. We had a super fun date night with our little man. Dinner in Georgetown followed by arcade games and bowling. It was seriously so much fun and a breath of fresh air to be able to give Colby our undivided attention. Definitely need to make sure this happens with both of our kiddos more often. :)
Look who got a SPARE! :)
apparently my bowling skills are a bit rusty....I was confident that I could beat Travis, but I let myself down...rats! 
I will leave you with this photography gem that Travis took....apparently he's a better bowler than me as well as a better action photographer. haha...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

RANCH Christmas

2 days after Christmas, we loaded up Travis' truck with enough stuff to last a month and headed down south to my grandparents' house in D'Hanis, Tx. 
Our kiddos thoroughly enjoyed the down time with Mamaw and Papaw. We did a lot of nothing Thursday AND Friday. Just played and waited for the rest of the family to join us. 
Mamaw couldn't get enough of this sweet girl, and I can't blame her!
Saturday around noon was the official ZMZ Ranch Christmas. I wanted a picture of these three stinkers before we left the house, but it's officially impossible to get a good picture of a 7 month old, 3 1/2 year old and 13 month old. :)
Colby's favorite part of being at the ranch is driving daddy's truck
Believe it or not, we had EIGHT new babies born in 2012. (That's not including Macey, who was born at the very end of 2011) Only 4 of the babies were able to come to ranch Christmas, but they were all SO CUTE!!!!
Cami (with her typical half smile) and Kimberly
Addison (almost 12 months) and Sarah with Mimsy and Camryn
Cami with her FIRST ranch stocking
I think this year we had somewhere around 28 kiddos who were 18 and under for stockings. Colby thought it was awesome to sing Jingle Bells and Rudolph with the big kids. He didn't realize that we were just distracting them so we could take pictures. 
I wasn't sure what I was going to do with Cami....I really didn't want to sit on the floor with her, so I just plopped her down and she was so happy!!
Mamaw and her sister-in-laws Aunt Jeanice and Aunt Vivian
After stockings, the adults get to do their Chinese gift exchange. It's always entertaining and this year did not disappoint. 
These girls were so happy with their grandpas
The kids got marshmallow guns in their stockings, so they were SUPER entertained while the adults did their gift exchange. Colby was such a big kid running around outside with his cousins. He had a BLAST! It was so nice that he was busy and having fun and we could just watch him from inside. :) 
apparently it was girls vs. boys
This sums up the gift exchange for the guys...
 After ZMZ Christmas, we celebrated Christmas with just our family at Mamaw and Papaw's house. The kiddies opened their presents and the adults did a gift exchange. I was REALLY hoping to go home with the gift I brought, but at the last second it was stolen right out from under me! BOOO! :) I still got a super cute Christmas plate though, so it's all good. 
 yes, she is eating the paper...
 Haley made this cute family tree wall hanging for Mamaw and Papaw
 little people bride and groom :)
 waiting 5 minutes for Travis to chew so that we could take a picture with our stockings
 gotta love him!
 Our parents surprised Mamaw and Papaw with a clock that they have been wanting. 
Colby's 1st set of Legos and Cami with her new baby doll from our sweet family friend, Carol
Good times!!!! We definitely missed Johnny, Dougie, Elyse, HB, Lynnsay and Hudson, though. :)