Sunday, December 23, 2012

Camryn Elizabeth- 7 months

Why is it that the first few months dragged on forever....and now the time is just flying by?!?? My baby girl is 7 months old. She is beautiful, happy, curious, bouncy, and full of JOY. She makes everyone around her happier and she is so perfect I could not have asked for a sweeter daughter. She lights up our lives and makes us feel so blessed. I can't even put into words how special this girl is to us. 
 We went to see Dr. K. on Tuesday, and she weighed in at 17 pounds 8 ounces which puts her between the 50th and 75th percentile. Everything was perfect and normal. Praise the Lord for this healthy baby!

Here are a few things about her today: 

Food: Cami is eating around 5 bottles of formula per day (6 oz usually) and eating solids 2-3 times per day. She sometimes grabs her bottle to hold by herself, but she still likes for us to hold the bottle sometimes as well. She LOVES baby oatmeal and green beans. She tolerates most other baby foods and this week we put some apples in her mesh teether for her to chew and suck on and she has loved that! Another new favorite, thanks to Mimsy, is baby Mum Mums. She LOVES the independence of holding them and munching on them all by herself. It's a great new method of entertainment. :)
Play: Camryn is obsessed with her "jump-a-roo" bouncy toy that she sits in and jumps and jumps and jumps. She especially likes to jump and watch Mickey Mouse on tv or watch her brother play. She also loves to roll around and play with Sophie (her squeaky giraffe) or any other toy that makes noise or that she can chew on. She sits up very well and grabs everything within reach (including Colby's beloved cars and trucks....we have had many many lessons on sharing lately)
Sleep: The saddest thing happened in our house this month. Our little lamb swing's motor DIED! This has forced us to wean Camryn off of swinging during naptime. It's just not the same. She usually wakes up to eat a bottle around 5am, I lay her back in her crib and she'll sleep for a few more hours. Then, during the day she will take 2-3 naps depending on the schedule of that day. Usually the morning and evening nap are shorter- maybe around 45 minutes or an hour, and then we can get a few hours (MAYBE) out of her in an afternoon nap. No 2 days are the same. She usually goes to bed at night around 7:30. I can't say that she is as good of a sleeper as Colby, but she's not too bad. :)
Teeth: FIVE! (four on the bottom and one on the top)
Colby has given her a new nickname: Nummy
We have no clue why or where this came from, but it is sticking! It's pretty funny. When he goes into her room in the morning, it's "good morning nummy nummy nummy!" or in the car it's "hey nummy! What are you doing nummy nummy?" haha
My amazingly talented (and 9 month pregnant) friend Lindsay took these precious pictures of our girl. I will cherish them forever. She did such a great job capturing Camryn's sweet personality. 
Happy 7 months pretty girl!

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